Friday, May 19, 2006

God ON god. Humping Version. Part Three

Part Three.

Mavilin: Um…hi God.
God: …
Mavilin: So, did you have enough time to think about it?
God: YES! And you need to learn not to be rude.
Mavilin: Was I? Well yeah…I was, sorry…
God: Yes, anyhow, I’m not God.
Mavilin: What? Who the heck are you then?
God: I’m some lost person.
Mavilin: Oh really.
Lost Person: Yes, and you know, we can never know what God is like down here.
Mavilin: I knew that.
Lost Person: Yes. Humans just guess things all the time. We make so many mistakes. And you know, in the GNs it says that EVERYONE is responsible for everything, so if everyone is responsible for everything, then everyone is responsible for how I am right now.
Mavilin: Give an example.
Lost person: See, people say it’s ALL a murderer’s fault that he killed someone. But no, everyone is responsible. What MADE him want to kill the victim? Who did something wrong to hurt the murderer’s feelings?! Let’s say the victim did. Now, WHO made the victim want to hurt the murderer’s feelings? It COULD be that last night the victim got dumped by his girl friend, so he went crazy and got depressed; suicidal and then went and got drunk. While at the bar he accidentally got a hot head mad by teasing him about how he’s so ugly.’s too late, the hot head takes out his gun and fires a couple of shots into the depressed man’s head. NOW, you say it all started with the victim.
NO, if the girlfriend didn’t dump him that particular night, when the hot head was there, the victim wouldn’t have gotten killed.
Mavilin: was all the victim’s fault for teasing the murderer.
Lost Person: No, actually not. It was the girlfriend’s fault for making him depressed. If he wasn’t depressed then he wouldn’t have been teasing the murderer.
Mavilin: So you say it’s all the girlfriend’s fault then huh.
Lost Person: No, it still goes on and on, and it will probably end up to EVE.
Mavilin: Eve? Why Eve?
Lost Person: wait, not Eve, but it goes more down to Satan!
Mavilin: No actually, it goes down to God. God was the one who made our emotions. He made Lucifer have emotions…and the emotions overwhelmed Lucifer. Pride! And who made Lucifer? God did.
Lost Person: Hmmm…. Everyone’s responsible for how messed up I am. Everyone who goes on this blog. Everyone that talks to me. Everyone who reads what I write. They are responsible. And why’s that? It’s because if you see how messed up I am and you don’t do anything about it, you take part of the blame. What if I die tomorrow? What have YOU done to help me? What have you done to encourage me that there’s something better than all this ****. What have YOU done. Would you just go and walk away from this lost person? Or will you take action. Yeah, some of you say that you’ll just pray for me, but is that ALL you can do? Just think, if you KNOW that your loved one is going to die tomorrow. What are you going to do? Are you JUST going to pray for him when YOU can TALK to him and use all you got? Of course you wouldn’t just pray for him. You would do almost ALL you can to try to encourage your loved one because you love him. In the Bible it says “love your neighbor as yourself”. Are you doing that? Are you doing all you can to OBEY the word? Family people are SUPPOSED TO BE DOING THAT. That’s what makes the group different. That’s what makes The Family an End Time Army. If you don’t obey the word and you’re not trying, then what the hell are you doing in the Family for??? Are you just in the Family because it’s a relaxing life where you don’t have to work much, and all you have to do is be FAKE? God…this world is becoming so **** cold…. even the “End Time Army” is. There are many of you people that just think about yourselves. You just want to party, go clubbing, and flirt with the hottest guy or girl. Most of you don’t even think of how your NEIGHBORS are suffering. If someone acts like a loser, you ignore him. So much for love. There are so many people suffering, people who don’t care about others; it makes ME suicidal. See, YOU’RE RESPONSIBLE.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right dude. I was raised in your group too. Sooner or later I realized that it was all a bunch of bullshit.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

That's what I live by. And if everyone in the world lived by that we would hardly have any problems at all. But I don't think I've met a single person in the Fam that did. I've met a whole lot more people in "the system" that are much better people then anyone in the Fam could ever hope to be.

Christians claim to follow the teachings of Jesus, but most of them are all fake, and the rest of them are just too dumb to figure out the truth because they never even question anything. It's all a hoax. Even though I admire Jesus I would be ashamed to call myself a christian because that title has been completely fucked by all the fake ass bullshit people put up to con others or get the better hand.

4:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And dude as far as encouraging you that there's something better... most likely anyone that does that would be lying... the average person doesn't know anymore then you do. Maybe there's some secret society like the iluminati that knows something, or maybe a government is holding back something... who knows...

I believe that that only way to truely find out where we came from and why we're here is through exploring our universe through science. But blindly believing in a fairy tale is plain stupid.

Religion is just a fairy tale for grown ups.

5:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:32 AM  
Blogger The Revig said...


11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you guys are raping me by calling me a're being responsible for how my life're making it worse by calling me a heretic..such a family're supposed to reply in a mature way..NOT LIKE sum PHARISEE!!


2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous I don't think this is the place to "verbaly assualt" everyone. If you want to keep writing like that go make your own blog.And let your big mouth out there!!!And mavilin your responsible for your own life too....I believe they are calling anonymous the heretic

3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous I don't think this is the place to "verbaly assualt" everyone. If you want to keep writing like that go make your own blog.And let your big mouth out there!!!And mavilin your responsible for your own life too....I believe they are calling anonymous the heretic.


3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Mavilin's blog. It's up to him to tell me to shut up or leave.

2:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are pretty dumb. You should know that calling me a heretic and telling me to piss off just shows that you have no counter argument, because you know I'm right.

You are the kind of people your leader (David Brant - however you spell that) was trying to avoid when he started your group. You're doing the same thing the churches did to him.

3:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

umm... yeah... sure... instead of wasting out time giving reasons why what youre saying is not correct to someone who will probably not change their mind (maybe you will who knows?) one word does suffice.

11:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you can prove your point I most likely will accept it and change. But you haven't even presented one...

But from my experience with arguing with people on this subject, they either get pissed off that I'm exposing them, or get real quiet and sad, or admit they need religion to give them comfort and a purpose in life even though it's fake, or they realize what I'm saying is the truth and change their lives.

So if you don't have a lot of time just choose one :D

11:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh Anonymous how can u be so surein your "belief" or non belief. Is there A way u can prove it that religon is just a fairy tale??
And yes with the heritic thingy don't u think that the Church can be Jesus christ Body. Not the stupid Church house?

7:41 PM  
Blogger MAVILIN said...

good one Mel

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"oh Anonymous how can u be so surein your "belief" or non belief. Is there A way u can prove it that religon is just a fairy tale??"

Not yet. But until anything is proven it's stupid to blindly believe in it. Read this book: Chronicles of Zion. I haven't read it yet, but from what I've heard of it, it should open your mind to more critical thinking.

3:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Blog Is Absolutely discusting. Discusting. Mavilin...Take some hints please and grow up. You sound like You really, Really need help. You are a Terrible representation of The Family as of right now, The things you write about are not positive or worth anyones time Except your Shepards. And you need to realize it and Change things around.

7:15 PM  
Blogger MAVILIN said...

Yeah I have gotten maaaaanny hints already. I wish I can grow up....i do really Really need help. Well, if What i say is The truth Even though It isn't positive or not then............and Ofcourse I realize it.

11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what makes you think what you are saying is truth?

7:31 PM  
Blogger MAVILIN said...

well, honestly, i can never be too sure.....

12:04 AM  
Blogger Xact Claims Services said...

Umm...hey danny, I do childcare, cooking and dishes basically everyday. I barely go out for witnessing. Its not because I dont want to go out, its because I'd rather have fullent spanish speakers go out full time to deep talk with the many people while I help keep the house clean. And gosh, if you've watched Family Funs, you'd know that even being a blessing back home is helping the outreachers to witness. If I just said, "forget it! I'd rather go out and try to witness to those people with my broken spanish and pray with them and not even get into deep witnessing like you guys do. You all can stay and do the childcare, cooking and dishes while I go out and only win souls." How lame!

I care for those people, all of us in the Family do as well. What do you want us to do Mavilin? Do want us to write extreeemly long posts on our blogs about how we cry for the lost daily? We all have our times of feeling sorry for them, but daily...duuude! We'd all be in some time-to-cry-for-the-lost fast...and what would that do to save the lost? hmm...nothin much. What do YOU do to save them, mavilin?

I stay home and be a blessing to my home that is a witness to our visitors. I catch up on my spanish till I'm able to be a good good witnesser for the Lord. I go out once a week to a church to get out our tools that have a message in them. The money that comes from that, yes it pays our bills, but its also from our brothers and sisters who help with supporting us as well.

Have a good day.

5:22 AM  
Blogger MAVILIN said...

"Umm...hey danny, I do childcare, cooking and dishes basically everyday. I barely go out for witnessing. Its not because I dont want to go out, its because I'd rather have fullent spanish speakers go out full time to deep talk with the many people while I help keep the house clean. And gosh, if you've watched Family Funs, you'd know that even being a blessing back home is helping the outreachers to witness. If I just said, "forget it! I'd rather go out and try to witness to those people with my broken spanish and pray with them and not even get into deep witnessing like you guys do. You all can stay and do the childcare, cooking and dishes while I go out and only win souls." How lame!"

I think Lord Slash already got that. If you (Joan) have the motivation to care about others more than yourself than thats good. Lord slash is talking to those people who don't really care to help the suffering. Hes not talking to everyone, becuase there are still good people in this world.

"I care for those people, all of us in the Family do as well. What do you want us to do Mavilin? Do want us to write extreeemly long posts on our blogs about how we cry for the lost daily? We all have our times of feeling sorry for them, but daily...duuude! We'd all be in some time-to-cry-for-the-lost fast...and what would that do to save the lost? hmm...nothin much. What do YOU do to save them, mavilin?"

Yes I know you care for those people, but are you making your top priority: "To care about others more than your earthly pleasures"? We all have a heart, so i'm sure everyone cares that people suffer, but what i'm trying to get out is that most people care about themselves more than others.
Do I want you to write extremely long posts on your blogs about how you cry-for-the-lost-daily joan? What do you think? Why would I care about that?
If you do care ALOT for them you would cry ALOT for them, but posting "Oh I cry for them" won't help, so it doesn't really matter if you post that up or not. I'm not asking you to tell me how much you care. I'm telling you TO care to help others, if you don't.

What do I do to save them? Well, i'm trying to convince you all so that i'll have a lot more people with me to help them...

Hope you have a good day too.

11:52 AM  
Blogger Xact Claims Services said...

" What do I do to save them? Well, i'm trying to convince you all so that i'll have a lot more people with me to help them..."

You trying to convince us all ain't gonna do a thing. Well ahem, it's pretty darn obvious to all family members that the world needs help. It's up to us to help them or not, and do you know what?!?! WE ARE! What is this Family all about? What are we here for? Why did the Lord pull Grandpa outta the system to be radical and on fire for the Lord? To show the world that there is TRUE happiness and FREEDOM, TO SAVE THEM!!!! THIS FAMILY IS MEANT TO WIN THE WORLD!! In one of the TWT GN, the Lord was saying how the family shouldn't have our homes to be first place in becoming the winning team, but rather to witness.
The Lord is having us go through all this restructuring so that we can be organized, win souls, draw them close to us, feed them, so we can pull each one out, one by one, so that they can be freed from their hell and give them what each of them have been searching and longing for.

If you see alot of us young people laughing, having fun, going to camps, ENJOYING life, INSTEAD of being dead serious, crying for the lost daily, and pushing everyone to save the world... that's messed. We have these fun activities for a purpose, to get inspired to WIN THE WORLD, to get inspired about LIFE, to catch the fire of FREEDOM and HAPPINESS so that it can really shine through us when we WITNESS.

This Family, our life, the way we live, ALL leads to winning the world. If this dosen't mean a thing to you....... your in my prayers.

"And by the way I was directing my comment at those over the age of 18.. I would never condemn any Child (In or out of the family) Fer being a "missionary" and not caring fer the lost."

If I can quote something else you've said, "Did you know that a country is made up of inidividuals" no matter what age, each one of us makes up a missionary group, each one of us are important to whatever we're doing.

"Joanie.. There is nothing wrong with "ONLY winning souls" Winning souls is the most important thing you can do.. Sure you can spend days and hours cultivating yer sheep and deeply witnessing to them but the main thing is to get them saved. funny how people these days have strayed so far from our most important mission."

Screw you for saying that last line. I'm saying, I'd rather have other people who can speak fluent spanish to win souls AND deep talk at the same time with them. I'd rather have them know MORE than Jesus being in their hearts. I'd rather have them know AFTER they pray that prayer (if they dont feel that ting of happiness), the answers to their questions. If they asked me that, and I'd say, "no habla espanol. Adios!" poof, that sheep who's been searching is gone. He/she is gonna try a different thing to find the answers to their questions.

As for a reaction to yer talk about gays, the states, ctps... no words. Thats why I didn't say anything.

5:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well you know you can witness while getting out cd's rather easily.
You can get them saved, and sell cd's at the same time.
and I agree with the first part you said. Lord Slash.

2:01 PM  
Blogger MAVILIN said...

"You trying to convince us all ain't gonna do a thing. Well ahem, it's pretty darn obvious to all family members that the world needs help. It's up to us to help them or not, and do you know what?!?! WE ARE! What is this Family all about? What are we here for? Why did the Lord pull Grandpa outta the system to be radical and on fire for the Lord? To show the world that there is TRUE happiness and FREEDOM, TO SAVE THEM!!!! THIS FAMILY IS MEANT TO WIN THE WORLD!!"

Yes, the Family is helping in SOME ways...but they aren't doing much. What i'm trying to do here, is speak the truth, and if you're so sure that i'm wrong...then give me the reasons...cuz i don't want to be wrong.

5:18 AM  

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